Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Disney Ballad of Nessie

The Disney Ballad of Nessie
written by: Kiernan Lachlan
illustrated by: Andy Harkness

I never thought that I'd suggest or choose a Disney book, but this has both a beautiful story and beautiful illustrations; on top of those are some great messages for kids. Nessie lives in the forest with her friend McQuack then a man comes and builds a country club / miniture golf course forcing  Nessie and McQuack to move. They have trouble finding a place to live and Nessie cries in despair so much that it fills a valley creating a loch, her new home. One of the best lines I have read in a children's picture book is here, "Dinna be afraid to cry; it really is okay! Sometimes it's through our tears that we find a better way."

Lessons for adults as well as children. An all around amazing book. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lines That Wiggle

lines that wiggle

By: Candace Whitman
Illustrations by: Steve Whitman

This is one of my favorite picture books. The use of color, the illustrations, the creativity, and the way it all connects. I have used this book for as inspiration for art activities with elementary age children. Love the monsters in the illustrations which make it usable for a monster theme. It is a fabulous picture book to give as a gift because it is almost like a piece of art.

The simplicity of the text makes it sharable with toddlers and preschool-age children but the complex illustrations and art make it great for use with elementary age children.